Sommer 2024
Posted by Trond JC on 12 April 2021 05:00 AM

Vi har ferieavvikling i Juli - Support henvendelser besvares så snart som mulig men det vil ta litt lengre tid.

Please find the latest updates on our Facebook page or operational status page.

transporten er stort sett i rute, det kan være en dags forsinkelse innimellom.  Vi samler frem til ca kl 1200 på Torsdag og sender deretter godset til Norden i helgen. Vi jobber for å endre flyavganger og samle til og med Fredager men det er ikke klart enda. 

Sjøtransport - vi har endret rederi og ser nå ut til å komme ned mot normale transporter. Godset samles i ca 14 dager (snitt 7 dager) og med 21 dagers i sjøen pluss 5-8 dager på og til havner håper vi på en gjennomsnittlig transporttid på 30-35 dager.

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Air transport is mostly on schedule, there may be a day delay from time to time. We collect until about 1200 on Thursday and then send the goods to the Nordics this weekend. We are working to change flights and collect even Fridays but it is not clear yet.

Sea transport - we have changed shipping company and now seem to be coming down to normal transport. The goods are collected for about 14 days (average 7 days) and with 21 days in the sea plus 5-8 days at and to ports, we hope for an average transport time of 30-35 days.

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Pricelist here.

Simple calculator to estimate shipping cost

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Delaware, Freight status and Covid-19
Posted by Trond JC on 16 March 2020 08:03 AM

We have moved to NEWARK DELAWARE, your US address is now in Delaware.

Our Warehouse in Newark Delaware is OPEN the warehouse in LINDEN NJ is out of operations please update all your sellers.

We opened 1 May, your new address is available online at your JetCarrier account. Please update your sellers and ship only to your new Delaware address and start saving 6.65% Sales Tax. 

If you send goods to Linden you risk that the goods will be lost.


We are working on securing airfreight and will update status as soon as we have more information from USA. We continue operations as normal and all incoming goods is registered and prepared for air or sea. Freight of goods is not restricted but we do expect delays. 

Batch information and current status is updated and on Facebook pages.


To minimise the risk for our employees and customers we have reduced hours for picking up parcels at warehouse in Halden ("hentekunder"), and that all customer support must be carried out per phone or through our help desk. 

It is not possible to visit our employees in their offices and all inquiries should go via the bell at the reception. The authorities recommend that everyone keep 2 meter distance.

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Welcome to our Helpdesk
Posted by Trond JC. on 14 September 2019 02:37 PM
Please add to your address book or contact list to ensure you receive our email.

Before contacting us you may find your answers here:

If you do not find the answer to your question(s) please Contact Us.

Your shipping account login is here.

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